
You can add a query using these operators OR, AND, /n, "quotes", (parentheses), -stopword, prefix*.

Example of query


Use this operator, when you need to find mentions that contain any of several keywords.

For example, for the query Brand1 OR Brand2 we collect all the mentions that contain words Brand1 and Brand2.


This operator helps you to find more concrete information about your or competitors' brands.

You can specify a query to analyse what customers find using your or customers' brand names.

For example, for the query Brand1 AND rent we collect mentions that contain these two keywords together: Brand1 for rent, Brand1 rent conditions, Brand1 rent price, etc.


This operator helps you to make your query even more concrete: you can specify the fixed distance for two or several keywords.

N — is a desired distance number.

For example, for the query Brand1 /1 rent we collect mentions that contain these two keywords one by one in a text: Brand1 rent conditions, Brand1 rent price. But mentions as Brand1 for rent will be excluded, because here is a word between two keywords.


This operator helps you to find mentions in precise order and form.

You can also use this operator to find mentions that contain keyphrases: specify a keyword and a keyphrase, a keyphrase and a keyphrase or add several keyphrases.

For example, for the query Brand1 "easy renting" we collect only mentions for Brand1 that contain easy renting form and mentions that contant forms as easy rent or easy Brand1 rent will be excluded.


Use this operator for an advanced search.

This operator helps you to combine operators AND, OR, /N in a single query.

For example, for the query (Brand1 OR Brand2) /1 (rent or "easy renting") we collect mentions that contain keywords as rent and easy renting for both brands, Brand1 and Brand2, as Brand1 rent price, Brand2 eesy renting conditions. But mentions as Brand1 for rent or Brand2 easy rent will be excluded, because they do not met to the query condition.


Use this operator to exclude mentions that contain specific keywords.

Keep in mind that these keywords should be listed at the end of a search query.

For example, for the query Brand1 or Brand2 rent -price we collect mentions that contain everything about rent for both brands, Brand and Brand2. But mentions that contain price will be excluded.


This operator helps you to find all mentions that contain words match a part before *.

For example, for the query ren* we collect all mentions that begin with the ren: rent, renault, rename.
