
How it looks like in the interface

Create threshold or periodic alerts and be always up-to-date on the latest mentions of your brand.

Create an alert

To create an alert:

  1. Click + New alert button.

  2. Select a type of alert: By threshold or Periodic.

    1. Specify the alert name.

    2. Add filters and auto-categories, if needed.

    3. Choose the metric: Mentions or Engagement and specify the threshold.

    4. Select recipients from the dropdown list or create a new group.

      How it looks like

    1. Specify the alert name.

    2. Add filters and auto-categories, if needed.

    3. Select recipients from the dropdown list or create a new group.

    4. Select the frequency: Immediately, Once a day, Once a week, Once a month.

      How it looks like

  3. Click Create.

How alerts look like:

Email alert by threshold


If you use Outlook account and pictures in alerts aren't displayed, enable them. To do this, go the SettingsGeneralPrivacy and data page and in the External images turn on the option Always use the Outlook service to load images.

Periodic email alert


If you use Outlook account and pictures in alerts aren't displayed, enable them. To do this, go the SettingsGeneralPrivacy and data page and in the External images turn on the option Always use the Outlook service to load images.

Telegram alerts

How to manage recipient groups using Alerts page

On the Alerts page click on the Recipients field and select + Add new group.

You will be redirected to the AccountRecipient groups page.

To create a new group:

  1. Click New group

  2. Select Email group ot Telegram group.

    1. Specify the group name.

    2. Select emails or add a new one.

      How it looks like

    1. On the opened page click Open application.

      How it looks like

    2. Select a group and confirm the action.

    3. The Smelter bot will be added to the group.

Actions with groups

On the AccountRecipient groups page you can enable or disable groups.

You also can  Edit,  Duplicate or  Delete alerts.

Enable/disable an alert

You can enable and disable every ralert at any time. To do this:

  1. Go to the Alerts page.

  2. Near the selected alert enable or disable the option .

    — the alert is enabled.

    — the alert is disabled.

Edit an alert

To edit an alert:

  1. Go to the Alerts page.

  2. Near the selected alert click  Edit.

  3. Edit the desired fields.

  4. Click Save.

Duplicate an alert

You can create a full copy of the desired alert. To do this:

  1. Go to the Alerts page.

  2. Near the selected alert click  Duplicate.

The duplicated alert is disabled by default. To enable it, switch on the option to make it look like this .

Delete an alert

To delete an alert:

  1. Go to the Alerts page.

  2. Near the selected alert click  Delete.

  3. Click Yes, delete.
