Effective interaction

You can interact with a lot of elements in the Smelter interface.


On the Mentions page you can click to every chart: Mentions, Sentiment, Engagement or Authors.


On the Analytics page all the charts, tables, diagrams and clouds are interactive.

You can click wherever you want and you'll get the needed analytics.


On the Comparison page all the charts, tables, diagrams and clouds are interactive.

You can click wherever you want and you'll get the needed analytics.

Authors and sources

On the Authors and sources page both tables are clickable.

You can click to any row.

How to use

When you click on a desired chart, table row, part of a diagram or a word in a cloud, the pop-window opens.

How it looks like

There are two metrics that you can track: Mentions and Engagement, and three sentiments: Negative, Positive and Neutral.

If you click on a chart you will see the percentage of growth or decline of values.

In other cases there are just actual numbers without percentage.

You can also get a quick summary of the main discussions. To do this, click Summarize.

If you close the pop-up window, you can find your summarization report on the Insights GPT page in the History section.

Go to the full page

To get a detailed statistics, click Go to the full page.

You'll be redirected to the Mentions page contains the desired filters: date, sentiment, age, gender, geography, clouds (words, phrases and hashtags), authors and sources.

It helps you analyze only the desired block of data.
