
How it looks like in the interface

Sort by

You can sort mentions whatever you want using sorting options.

The basic option is sorting by Date (newest). Using this option you will always get the freshest mentions.

Also you can sort by:

Date (oldest) — your mention feed starts from the oldest ones within a selected period.

Potential reach — your mention feed starts from potentially the most coverage mentions: the total number of posts and comments in which the brand was mentioned and the total number of unique users who visit the source and can interact with posts. Important: the number is approximate and could be more than today's total world population, because we count non-unique visits to all the sites in your project.

Engagement — your mention feed starts from the mentions with the highest coverage.

Views — your mention feed starts from mentions that are seen by the highest number of users.

Visits — your mention feed starts from mentions located on sources with the highest number of visiters per month.

Likes — your mention feed starts from the mentions with the largest number of likes.

Comments — your mention feed starts from the mentions with the largest number of comments.

Followers — your mention feed starts from the mentions with the largest number of authors' followers.


To set up a period, click .

You can choose a period: Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Previous month, Last 3 months. You can also set up your own period.

In this article: