
Rules help you to simplify and automate tagging and sending reports.

Create a rule

To create a rule:

  1. Go to the Rules page.

  2. Click New rule.

  3. Select a type of rule: Tags or Reports.

    1. Specify the rule name.

    2. Add filters if needed.

      You can add:

      — Search requets.

      — Add or delete languages, countries, authors and their age and gender, types of sources, include and exclude sources names and tags.

      — Select or deselect sentiments.

      — Change the mentions relevance.

    3. Add tags.

      How it looks like

    1. Specify the rule name.

    2. Add filters if needed.

      You can add:

      — Search requets.

      — Add or delete languages, countries, authors and their age and gender, types of sources, include and exclude sources names and tags.

      — Select or deselect sentiments.

      — Change the mentions relevance.

    3. Select the recipients.

    4. Select the frequency: Once a week or Once a month.

      How it looks like

  4. Click Create.

Enable/disable a rule

You can enable and disable every rule at any time. To do this:

  1. Go to the Rules page.

  2. Near the selected rule enable or disable the option .

    — the rule is enabled.

    — the rule is disabled.

Edit a rule

To edit a rule:

  1. Go to the Rules page.

  2. Near the selected rule click  Edit.

  3. Edit the desired fields.

  4. Click Save.

Duplicate a rule

You can create a full copy of the desired rule. To do this:

  1. Go to the Rules page.

  2. Near the selected rule click  Duplicate.

The duplicated rule is disabled by default. To enable it, switch on the option to make it look like this .

Delete a rule

To delete a rule:

  1. Go to the Rules page.

  2. Near the selected rule click  Delete.

  3. Click Yes, delete.

To set tags, sentiment and relevance to existing mentions use Bulk actions.
