
How it looks like in the interface

On the Mentions page you can view all the mentions.

Here is the chart contains the mentions distribution during the desired period.

You can track four metrics: mentions in total for a specific period, Engagement, NSR and Potential reach.

Below the chart you can see mentions found according to your request. You can:

To learn how you can effectively interact with this page, check out the Effective interaction section.

The search mechanism finds all the possible forms of the word for all selected languages. For example, search results for the rate request may contain rates, rated, rät, rato, etc.

To find mentions contain only the exact phrase, use quotation marks. For example, search results for the "high rate" request will contain only mentions where are words "high rate" in that order.

Export report

You can download a full report as XLS, CSV or PDF. To do this, click ⬇ Export button and choose Mentions as XLS, Mentions as CSV or Mention analytics report as PDF.

Also you can download reports for each metric individually. To download a report for a separate metric, click and choose Download PDF document, Download XLS or Download CSV.

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